Celebrating Women’s History

March is Women’s History Month and this year’s theme is “Valiant Women of the Vote.” Ballinger is proud to join in acknowledging the “the brave women who fought to win suffrage rights for women, and for the women who continue to fight for the voting rights of others.”
Ballinger is committed to supporting the continued advancement of women in the industry. In 2016 we implemented B::Flex, a formal program allowing employees to customize their work schedules. According to the Pew Research Center, among parents, women are much more likely than men to experience family-related career interruptions, and 51% of women report that being a working parent has made career advancement more difficult. A flexible schedule with the ability to work remotely helps women balance family responsibilities while excelling at work.
Highlighting our success in attracting, retaining and supporting women, Ballinger was recently recognized by Architect Magazine as among the “Biggest Movers in % of Women Designers.”
Listed among prominent peers, Ballinger was highlighted for a 22% increase in female designer employment from 2017 to 2018, representative of our firm’s effort to support the continued advancement of women in the industry.